Optimizing blogger post title is one of the most important part to make SEO of your blogspot blogs. Blogger posts plays most important role to be ranked high on Search engine. When anybody search with a keyword the Search engine trace all the posts title first to rank the posts. But, it is a matter of sorrow that Blogger default templates are not well optimized. That's why you don't have any chance to get high page rank on search engines using blogger default templates. That's why we are going to customize our post title.
Blogger Seo Tips (Post Title + Blog Title)

The default Blogger Template is arranged like ...

Blog Title + Post Title
But, it is totally against of Blogger SEO. Because, when you write a blog post your website title will be shown first then the post title will be shown.

Do you want to have an example on it?

Okay. Let me to show you an example first. My Websites Title is: HowBlogger.com
I posted a post on Blogger called "Infolinks Review - Contextual Advertising" That's why the post is showing on Google like Howblogger.com: Infolinks Review - Contextual Advertising (Blog Title + Post Title)
But after optimization it will change their position.Watch the following images and guess the seo tricks happens here.
Before Optimization:

Blogger Seo Tips
After Optimization:
Blogger Seo Tips

Do you want to SEO Your Blogger Post Title?

Now, Follow the following steps to make your website title after blog post title.
  1. Go to BloggerTemplateEdit HTMLProceed 
  2. Expand the Template checking the expand box.
  3. Press (Ctrl + F) to find <data:blog.pageTitle/> code on your Template.
  4. Now, Replace this code <data:blog.pageTitle/> with the following codes.

    <data:blog.pageName/> | <span style="color: blue;">Your Blog Title Goes Here</span>


  5. Update:  'Your Blog Title Goes Here' will be replaced with your Blog title.
  6. Save your Template & See the Changes.
Now, if you want to make more SEO for your blogger blog. Follow this link to Add description, keyword, author meta tags to your blogspot blog.
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